Sunday, January 11, 2009

Name that photo, anyone?

I have been a neglectful blogger due to cleaning and preparing for guests. Does anyone else have problems with piles? You know, the ones that form, seemingly overnight. All that stuff you don't know what to do with, or do but use it so frequently it just stays out... until company comes.

But I did catch this. My boy, B-Boy, seems to have taken a silly pill lately. There are lots of goofy things to be documented, but this is the one I have for you today. Name that photo, anyone? Sometimes there are no words.

I couldn't help but laugh. Who could! I asked him who he was. He told me. Who do you think he looks like? The resemblance is striking, in retrospect. You'll see. I was impressed. But my initial thought was "LORD HAVE MERCY!" coupled with a good hearty chuckle. I'll let you ponder awhile.

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