Sunday, July 10, 2011

A natural

Cheeks: There was squirrel poop outside but I didn't step in it.
Mrs.: How do you know it was squirrel poop? (hey, I wouldn't know.)
Cheeks: Squirrel poop is green.
Mrs.: (Really?!?) How do you know squirrel poop is green?
Cheeks: Because it is.
Mrs.: Yes, but where did you learn this.
Cheeks: No where. I just know. I'm a natural.

Well, there you have it.

And who knows. Maybe she's right. She does talk about becoming a vet-er-in-arian.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly,
    I wanted to post on your Corinthians post:
    You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Your children are blessed to have you as their mother!
