Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Green is a happy color.

Totally unrelated to a previous "green" post.

I woke up and decided everyone needed to wear green (except Lil'D since he was already dressed). Not that we are Irish. We aren't. (at least I'm not and I don't think my kids are. Hmmm, will have to ask about that. I digresss.) But green is a happy, lively yet calming color. And I needed some, happy, lively, calm. Plus, St. Patty's day was a grand excuse.

I decided we were going to be happy and silly and have fun and fresh air. It was park time.
All children donned mud boots, I grabbed the camera hoping for some practice, and we were off, minus a quick stop for Shamrock Shakes. mmm...

Cheeks on swings.

KJ happy. At least, until mommy accidentally puller her off the swing
and she landed on her butt in a mud puddle. Oops.
Lil' D. Just happy someone was giving him some attention.
And he doesn't even mind a big sister's sweatshirt.

B-boy climbing and goofing. Not wanting his pic taken.

All my monkeys. If there's something to climb, they're there.

Hello, goats.

And boy am I glad I made them wear mud boots. Uffda.


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