Monday, February 15, 2010


When you decorate a cake, but there is one step you take that is important, and that's leveling a cake. Or, if you are making a fancy shape, you cut off parts, and you would get the same thing... bits. Those little pieces that are cut off. They are just bits of cake. Yummy, even without the frosting. My kids LOVE bits. They ask for them. And, it's good to have something for them to nibble on while staring at a huge gorgeous, icing-covered cake... that they can't touch yet. But the bits are good. Even though they're just bits.

Today, I bring you bits.

I get periodic (weekly, 2 times a week? I don't know exaclty) emails from Love and Logic. (If you don't know about Love and Logic and you are a parent / teacher / person who works with kids, you really should discover it. Just sayin'.) The creators of L&L send out little lessons or tips. They are almost always great. Yesterday's post provided 2 great nuggets of truth.

  • Anything worthwhile is rarely easy. This is something I have been thinking about but just couldn't find the exact right words to make it catchy, but it surely is something I want my children to understand. In my experience, "the good life" is not handed to you on a silver platter, regardless if you "deserve" it or not.

  • What our kids overhear is far more powerful that what we tell them. The lesson said this, "Give your kids the gift of hearing you talk about the satisfaction that comes from hard work. The best way to permanently ingrain this belief in your kids is to have them overhear you talking about your own struggles and the satisfaction that delayed gratification, hard work, and achievement bring.

Think someone is demanding attention, much?

He threw, not dumped, a l l  the puzzles, piece by stinkin' piece, onto the floor. Threw the dress-up dress around, pulled out some vhs tapes, kicked it all round a bit, pulled books off the bookshelf, and started in on the dvd's in the entertainment center. This only took about 10 minutes. Probably less. I was in the same room. Guess that wasn't good enough.

I just wanted to blog a little. Really?

And he knows he's being naughty. You should see the look in his eyes. Pure mischief.

Boots has done this 2 days in a row. The second day was actually worse. The third day, he attacked my coffee table tray and coupon holder. The coupon holder is at least a weekly experience. Little bugger!
My coupons are under there. I promise. And I had already picked them up once. Sigh.

Please note: I was not ignoring him while on the computer. That was only the first time. The other times I was actually doing something productive, you know, like my job... cleaning. And he's quick about it. Oh, he's so fast.

Kids. Candy. V u l t u r e s.
I am not feeling bad about not doing Valentine's Day stuff (like buying them candy); I'm tired of picking up all the wrappers. Koko got plenty at her school party (which I TOTALLY forgot about til about, and then consequently forgot to pick her up from school. It was ok; I was not the only one that day - meaning kid and valentines), and then she shared fabulously, without prompting, with Cheeks. But Cheeks is a leeettle demanding when it comes to candy. I blame it on Gestational Diabetes. Friday brought more of the same, when George got home from his day. But man are they vultures.

Car shopping is not fun. Unless you have an unlimited stash of cash, it's kind of a drag. Especially when you are toting around 4 kids, all crammed in the hub's pickup. For 6 noisy, almost fruitless hours. With a baby who's teething eye teeth. And pulling hair. And everyone else if constantly hungry. Though that doesn't compare in frustration until you realize 1. there are no cars out there that you want/can afford, and 2. there actually are salesmen out there who are NOT interested in selling a car. Exhibited in the way they are competely absent from the customer service experience. But.... :D .... having a new vehicle is fun. Especially when it has a cd player, and leather seats, and windows that work, and memory seats, and climate control. I feel like I fell into the lap of luxury. Ok, well, just a little. I'm certainly a step up from the day before.

I made a cheesecake. I used V-day as an excuse. It was devine. I can't stop eating it. Really.
Now, I must go. I have more "little" messes to clean. I'd just like to know when that ends. And don't you dare say never.


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